OC Orchestra Boosters

Goals of the Booster Organization
Our common goal as boosters is to support the O'Connor Orchestra and its students. We do this through fundraising, sponsorships, special events, and activities.
We encourage all parents to join us in creating an environment for our students that will promote teamwork, community, and pride. Together we can create a lasting impact for our students that will follow them into their future endeavors. Thank you to all for your continued support.
If you are interested in volunteering, please click on here to complete a background check via the Northside ISD website. Thank you in advance!
Orchestra Director: Brenda Johnson- brenda.johnson@nisd.net
President: Jennifer Masucci Sisson
1st Vice President: Tom Shrader
Secretary: Emily Mikulas
Treasurer: Katy Schultz jaskateschultz@gmail.com
Parliamentarian: Amy Rios

Thank you for your support of the OC Orchestra Booster Club!
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.”
— Plato